Saturday, February 05, 2011

Pink in a black & white (or should I say blue?) World

I began watching Olivia this week.  What a joy!  I miss her when she's not around and so do the boys.  In fact tonight, mom had her for a couple of hours and we went to her place just after she left and as we got out of the car Soren remarked "I hope Olivia is still here." 

It was cute the first morning we had her.  The boys woke up at their usual time and I was downstairs getting laundry and I guess Olivia must have been making some noises because when I came upstairs a couple of minutes later, the boys were not in their room, but hiding under my bed next to where Olivia was.  I told them they could come out and the conversations we had surrounding her that first day were precious.  Everything from what she could do, (walk, talk, crawl, etc) to what she should be when she grows up.  Keiton calls her "cutie" and Olivia follows him with her eyes.  She thinks he's the greatest and will give smiles to him when he's around and paying attention to her.

She brings pink stuff with her... pink socks, a pink burp-rag, a pink blanket and pink hat.  By the end of the day of course, these pink things are scattered around - a burp rag on the couch where I last fed her, a pink sock on the floor where it fell off her, a hat on the coffee table next to her carseat from when I took her out.  My perception as I go around the house collecting things is that of a black and white existence except for the pink.  It's like one of those touched up photos where they do the whole thing black and white except for one particular object that they want to stand out so they give only that thing color.  I see black and white and a bring splash of pink... like it is the only thing with color. She brings pink; a color I've not yet known, to my world.  I love it!  I love her!

Other news:

Felt useful today which was so nice!   Our small group prepared lunch for one of the jr high retreat groups.  So I took my food over and stayed for lunch.  Got to meet some new people which was really nice while doing a service project.

Called Jennie this morning to see if they wanted to get together tonight and she said they totally would, but they were headed to the coast to meet up with some friends of theirs from where they used to live that were there for the weekend.  So, we planned a mcd's lunchdate for Monday with the kids.  I'm looking forward to it.  My first one since I've moved here...  9 months later!

Going over to our small group leader's house tomorrow for the superbowl.  Looking forward to that too.  It will be nice to just hang with all of them.

Things are finally picking up in my world.  Although, I've found that (besides missing the social interaction) I really like the slower-paced lifestyle we have here.  Every day is basically the same and its consistent and I'm not overly tired, overbooked or stressed; my house stays fairly clean and I always seem to have time to make a sufficient dinner.  I like our pace.   It is healthy and relaxing.  I am finding that I spend more time with the boys as well and am loving it!  I'm finding real joy in parenting.   My kids definitely get a whole lot more of me than they ever used too!    Slowing down and being "alone" with my family has in many ways opened my eyes to joys that I did not know existed.    Namely, the joy of being HOME.  (a year ago, I never thought I'd say something like that!).

 That being said, we all would like more social interaction and the boys ask consistently if we can visit Salem or invite friends over; that sort of thing.  Speaking of Salem, Alicia had her birthday today and had everyone over for cake.  I miss Salem.  Even though my heart is in a healthy place in regards to our move, I do still miss everyone there.  Some days more than others.  Tonight I'm missing them a lot.  What fantastic friends they are!

And right now, not only am I so very thankful for amazing friends from where I came from, but I'm thankful for life here:  for service projects, and a family with kids our kids' age and a planned lunch date, an evening out with adult friends planned for next weekend, our small group leaders who invited us over to spend the afternoon watching football with them,  a family that is healthy (on many levels) and a husband that listens to me and talks to me, a baby girl that brings pink to my life while I get to love on her, and family that lives oh-so-close that I can drop in on a moment's notice.  So many blessings and so much to be thankful for.

Time for one episode of Eureka before bed.

Finding pink in this journey and thankful for it...


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