Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Nothing Very Exciting

Not a whole lot to say tonight.  It's been a good week so far.  I love the sunny weather.  It brightens my mood and somehow I have more energy.  Of course, it also gives the boys more energy.  Man, has it been loud and busy in here the last few days.  The boys love playing together and will do so for an hour or two at a time, but it is loud play, VERY loud play!

Had MoPS yesterday and it was great.  At the end I was asked to be on Steering next year (actually, it's a two year commitment).  I declined because I have no idea where we are going to "land" and really, moving is about as likely as staying at this point.  I don't want them to plan on me and then I tell them in three months that I'm leaving.  So, I told her that I could not commit to it at this point.  I'm not sure MoPS is where my heart lies anyways.  It has given me a place this year for which I have been very grateful, but my ministry heart-beat seems to lie elsewhere still.  It was nice to be valued though for what I could contribute and officially asked. 

I did it finally.  I got my haircut.  I like it I guess.  Its shorter than it's been in a while, but still simple like it was and honestly, hardly anyone even notices.   But, I feel good with it cut and look forward to two weeks from now when I am used to it and have done it a few times to know the styling method that works best with the cut.

We had family night last night.  We played kids' games all evening. Yup, I cannot wait until a couple of years when we can break out the older kids' games.  One can only handle so many dozens of games of Uno, Candyland, Chutes and Ladders and Hi-Ho Cherry-O.   Soren wanted to play some older kids' games, but we needed to include Keiton too so those are the ones we played. The boys LOVED the evening of course.  That definetely made it worth it.  Oh, and the fact that Layth said we were earning rewards in heaven for it!

Layth is still interviewing a lot.  He had an on-site one yesterday that went well.  It's a company that places people for temporary or permanent work.  As a result of the interview so far already he has a phone interview on Friday with a place in Bellevue.  From the company and the job description it is one that he is pretty excited about.  There are 4 people vying for the job though at this point so we'll see what hte Lord has in store.

He has a second-round technical phone interview as well with another place in Seattle on Monday. 

The one in Vancouver, we've not heard anymore about, but it still is the best lead he has.  He expects to hear about that one the end of this week or beginning of next.

And, that's life right now.  Getting together with a friend on Friday afternoon and I'm excited about that.  Have plans as well for Friday night, Saturday night and for Valentines on Monday night.  Looking forward to a busy and full weekend.

Just heard the dryer stop which is VERY good news because that means I can put the clothes from the washer into the dryer and get myself to bed.  Olivia shows up at 5:15am tomorrow morning again and I'm ready to get some sleep in between now and then.   Granted, she generally sleeps for another couple of hours but I don't sleep well on these nights afraid I'll oversleep and not be up and downstairs for my sister to arrive and then once I am up, I am finding it almost impossible to go back to sleep. 

Alright, nothing deep. Nothing exciting.  But you know what?  I'm OK with that sometimes!  It's rather refreshing actually, now that I think about it.

the journey continues...


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