Saturday, January 08, 2011

A productive day

Quite the productive day today. I honestly think it was my way of trying to forget the fact that for some reason the SNG Group were all getting together. (perhaps Madelyn's birthday? I'm not included in the group emails for events - I don't live there - so don't know for sure, but I do know her b-day is tomorrow, so the party likely was today. Sad, since we've been at every single one of her b-day parties since they moved to Salem).

But, regardless, I had quite the day.
Slept in, cleaned house like mad for over two hours, made homemade chicken noodle soup, chocolate chip cookies, a key-lime pie, cleaned up after Layth's homemade granola mess, did two loads of laundry, watched the Seahawks play their way into NFL history, tended to the boys with meals, squabbles, cleaning up their stuff and more, and got the house ready for family to come over tonight to watch Fox's Family Movie Night at 8. Mom and Scott have now left. Tim and Lilly are staying the night and going to church with us in the morning. Love having family around.

The football game today was 4 hours of pure adrenaline rush. I did not realize what I have been missing this whole time living in Oregon with no pro football team. It was a ton of fun and I can't wait until next week's game. Layth says I've corrupted the kids. They ran around yelling "Go Seahawks, Go Seahawks." Beautiful. At one point he also said that perhaps I should not watch any more football. I guess I was pretty into it. Good stuff.

Supposed to snow tomorrow. We'll see. We've had so much snow so far this winter, that it's hardly a "big topic" around here anymore. I think we've had snow on the ground as much as we've not this winter so far. This whole week is "supposed" to be one storm after another. I hope so!

The weeks stretch out before me and I really don't have anything planned. So weird. What a different life I now lead. I know I've said it before, but it is just SO DIFFERENT! In some ways, this is a good thing. One thing I am loving more and more are our own family outings. I think in Salem I had this view that if someone else wasn't going us, it really couldn't be much fun. I was always into "let's invite someone, I don't want just us to go, it's more fun with other people." Now, I get soooo excited to go out - just the 4 of us. I love my little family. I love that we enjoy being together, just us. I get excited thinking about spending family night together, or going into downtown with Layth and stopping at the Children's Museum for a couple of hours, just the four of us. We love being together.

Another positive that has come out of this move has been the way the boys interact with each other. Seriously, it is always just the two of them, day in and day out and they have learned to lean on each other, play for hours with each other, love on each other and enjoy just being together. They stick together and I love to see that. I'm glad they have bonded in such a special way. Really, we only have each other; besides family around here, we've not made any other connections. Therefore, we have bonded together as a unit, happy to be together, and appreciating what God has given to us in each other.

Time for bed now. Gotta get up and get everyone ready for church in the morning.


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