Friday, August 01, 2008

Rowles Family Pictures

The entire Rowles Family was together for the first time in close to two years (I think) a few weeks ago (we hail from Oregon, Washington and Michigan) and so we took the opportunity to spend 2 1/2 hours in the Sears Portrait Lab to have family pictures taken. Here are the results:

The entire family...
Gregg actually "belongs" with Darcy, but the photographer insisted we stand where we're located and how we're arranged for asthetic purposes. A little odd but hey, at least we're all family!

Grandpa Jim and Grandma JoAnn with all the grandkids

Our family

The second generation and their spouses... all with their hands on the correct spouse this time!
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Unknown said...

Those family pictures turned out really good.

Aly sun said...

At least you got family pictures. Come-on, lame Sears photographer, couples need to be next to each other. Switch shirts, not spouces -- that's my motto. Hard to find a good photographer! ;) Next time, I will do it for half whatever you paid (if travel expenses are included).