Thursday, April 27, 2006

Which ones do you like? Soren at 20 months

Here are Soren's 20 months pictures. Layth and I had very different ideas which ones were best. It was too late for Layth becuase I was the one at the studio choosing which ones to buy. But I'm curious to know which one to three you think are best out of this post and the next one (below are more pictures to vote on, I could only upload so many at a time!).

#1 (above)




Anonymous said...

Well, of these first three, I am torn between 1 and 3. However, number 3 is quite studly, so I would have to go with that one.
Alicia =)

Andee said...

I'd go for #3 as well. Very manly! Can't wait to see what you picked!